The battery in my 1987 325is has been losing its charge recently. It left me stranded at work a few weeks ago. It problem was diagnosed as a bad alternator. with the car on the battery was not being charged. This meant the car was basically running off the battery. Eventually the battery gets so low that the car cannot run properly . Dim lights, rough running, and no accerosires are common symptoms, The alternator had been replaced once before several years ago by my brother, luckily the alternator had a lifetime warranty through AutoZone so it cost me nothing.
First gather your tools:
then raise and properly support your car:
Remove the air box so that you can access the alternator:
Remove the rubber covers that protect the two terminals on the back of the alternator:
loosen the two bolts that hold the alternator on. One is at the top, the other on the bottom, take off the belt and remove the alternator:
Here the alternator has been taken out of the car and all the components on the back can be seen:
Remove the clip and radio noise suppressor(black square with wire coming out of it):
And transfer them to your new alternator, along with the pulley and fan (done for me at AutoZone):
Place your new alternator in the bracket, install the bolts and slip on the belt:
Reattach wires and slip on covers. Place wires in the wire clip:
Install airbox:
Check voltage with car running. A voltage around 14 is good:
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