Wednesday, October 28, 2009

La Tecnología como medio para innovar

Os dejo un ejemplo de aplicación de la apuesta de BMW como medio para la innovación. Y si me lo permitís, la innovación no está en el propio desarrollo de la solución técnica, sino en divisar el horizonte donde esta filosofía es posible. Sin miedo al cambio y con fe ciega en una visión que engloba un riesgo que otras empresas no se atreven a afrontar.
Cuánto nos queda por ver, y cuánto vamos a disfrutar (al menos yo!)

Este vídeo lo he encontrado en Os recomiendo un vistazo a este blog.

alberto conde mellado

Biggest dog on the road: Porsche Panamera or BMW 5-series GT

If you love cars then what should matter most to you is how a car drives, whether, faced with the prospect of a cross-continental trip, you’d want to grab its keys or not.

But, like it or not, how a car looks is integral to the whole experience as well. Sure, it shouldn’t matter, but it does, especially nowadays when so many cars are so accomplished. Engeneering in isolation is no longer enough.

Which is why we have to ask: what are the designers at Porsche and BMW smoking?

We pondered it long and hard and we can’t figure out which is the biggest dog on the road right now? The vulgar, out-of-proportion Porsche Panamera with its disconcerting bonnet, heavy flanks and huge, ungainly posterior? Or perhaps the BMW 5-series GT which simply defies description in its ugliness.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Renault = Clean cars ?

Apparently Renault is betting the company on electric cars. This could be the ballsiest and smartest strategic move I have heard of in a long time.

The auto industry is in a big crisis, these companies are huge, they employ a lot of people directly and much more indirectly… but they generate very small profits. Just consider that if somebody wanted to buy the Ford Motor Company (the 3rd largest in the world) they would need about 25 billion $. If someone wanted to buy Google they would need about 150 billion $.

The companies that are doing well are extremely well positionned, which means they stand for something very specific: Toyota means ‘affordable reliability’, BMW means ‘driving pleasure’, Mercedes means ‘prestige’, Porsche means ’sports car’.

This is the basics of marketing, that the brands stands for and owns something unique and relevant.

The problem is that there are not many meaningful and distinctive benefits left, and this is why Ford, Renault, Peugeot, Fiat and GM more than any others are all struggling to be relevant. But there’s a new word that is becoming increasingly important these days… and no one owns it yet…

Because of high oil prices and the fact that cars are highly highly polluting machines, most car manufacturers are investing a lot in alternative energy cars. The most successful by far are hybrid cars.

The problem is that ‘hybrid’ is not such a clean word to own, it’s not very choiceful, it’s a bit of oil and a bit of electric…

So if electric or clean is the word of the future, one has to make choices, no half-baked solutions. Renault is apparently taking this road. It is very risky because it depends on oil prices remaining high, on the continuity of Government subsidies and particularly on consumers changing the way they use their car… but if that happens Renault could become the new Toyota.

You have to be able to sum up your brand in one meaningful and relevant word to do good marketing.

Some jobs at Renault.

An article in the Economist about Renault’s big bet on electric cars.

More on the Kangoo ZE – zero emission and no noise – on sale in 2011.

A car which can't be described as beautiful..

..although, to be frank, few Bangle-era BMs can be described that way. But I will say this: 1) like the latest gen WRX STi, the body style has grown on me, and 2) like the GTI, the three-door looks better than the five-door (in my opinion). Obviously, neither version is available in the states, as it is believed that there is just no market here for this type of vehicle.

CD road test

- Gyro

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dirndls and Lederhosen

Last week was our first full week of travel- that means no classes, no homework, no seminars or workshops for 9 whole days!


On Friday afternoon Jess, Mike, and I took the bus at 4:00 pm to Bassano, where the closest train station is, to get our rail passes validated and catch the train to Padova, only to find that the next train to Padova was actually a 2 hour bus ride. Our reason for going to Padova was that the overnight train to Munich was leaving from that station at 11:28 pm, but we figured we would go early to look around a little bit. I had not considered that most things would be closed at 6pm and that it would be too dark to really do any sightseeing. Plus, the area around the train station was not the nicest part of town. Actually, it reminded me a lot of Chinatown in New York.

About an hour later the rest of the group taking the overnight train showed up and we walked around together, a group of about 15 American students each lugging a week’s worth of luggage ambling around the streets of Padova at night. We must have been a sight. We got some really good Chinese food for dinner (everyone was sick of pasta at this point, and like I said, it was like Chinatown), and stopped at a cafe to wait out the remaining two hours before we went up to the platform to wait for the train.

waiting for the train

Because I booked my reservation only a week before I left for Italy, the only cabins left were the six-person couchettes or the first class, single person sleepers. Well because I also did not know anyone at this point, rather than take my chances with 5 strangers I went for the single room (Thanks Dad ). It was custom. I had a whole cabin to myself, with a bathroom and a shower and there was a German lady who showed me to my cabin, and then woke me up in the morning (at 5:45!) and brought me one of those little airline breakfasts and a coffee. There was a couple in the cabin next door from New Hampshire who were very nice, they were also headed for Oktoberfest and they offered to share some of their wine with me.

We arrived in Munich bright and early at 6:30 in the morning, and after a quick shower and coffee i hopped off the train much more awake than my friends in the 6 person couchettes, who were still groggy. I shared some of my breakfast with them , to be nice

We checked into our hostel, then went back to the train station to meet up with the students that had taken a chartered bus all the way from Paderno to Munich overnight. I don’t think they got much sleep either.

The first thing we did was walk around the city a bit, and we found a beautiful church in the middle of one of the squares. Every other shop on the street was selling Lederhosen and Dirndls, which, to my surprise, ALL of the germans were wearing. Some even came in groups wearing matching costumes. Hordes and hordes of Germans in lederhosen.

That afternoon we took a tour of Dachau, a concentration camp on the outskirts of Munich. Apparently Dachau was the “model”concentration camp that they used as a guide for all of the other camps. It’s were they trained the officers, tried out different kinds of toxic gas, and they even had a “school of torture”. Our guide was really good, he was from Ireland and really gave us a good idea of how terrible things were there. On the ride back we asked him about good places to go in Munich, and he suggested Olympia park where they held the Olympics some time in the seventies, I believe.

Following his advice, that’s where we headed for the afternoon. The first place we stopped in the park (or it might have been right outside of the park) was the BMW Welt and BMW Museum. Oh Em Gee. I don’t even like cars, but I still thought this place was really cool. The Welt was like a showroom/interactive museum where you can look at the cars and sit in them, and it had kiosks and exhibits where you could drive a virtual car and see what innovations they were coming up with for the future. Cool stuff. We only went into the lobby of the actual museum (you had to pay to go in) but just in the lobby there were these really nice, antique looking cars, and then in the next room was a futuristic concept car. This thing was so cool.

After the BMW Welt/Museum we walked over to the park itself and went up into this big space needle looking thing in the middle of the park.The view from up there was incredible– you could see all of Munich and the surrounding countryside, all the way to the huge Alps way in the distance. We were there right at sunset as well, which made it that much more beautiful.

From the top of the space needle

The next day was the big day: Oktoberfest. We had a reservation from 12-5 in the Hofbrau-Festzelt tent, which is the biggest tent in the whole place. We’re talking massive. And this tent is mostly full of Americans and Italians, and some Germans too just because they’re everywhere.

The inside of the Hofbrau tent

Oktoberfest itself is like a gigantic carnival with rides and games, and with these huge beer tents all around. Our reservations came with vouchers for two liters of beer and half a chicken each, and we got to sit in the tent for five hours and listen to the band (all dressed in lederhosen as well) play the same three songs over and over again. Two of the songs were in German, during one of which you were supposed to raise your mug and toast. They played this one after almost every song. The third song that they played the whole time was the one that goes “Heeeee-eeeeey Baby! I wanna kno-oo-ow, if you’ll be my girl”. Of course, all of the Americans loved that one (and danced to it every time, too). My friend Jess actually bought a dirndl and wore it to the tent. She looked so cute in it!

The band in the Hofbrou tent

Next up, Prague!

Friday, October 9, 2009

And we thought we were cynics. Honestly, we're like babes in the wood compared to this lot.
At a round table on social media marketing in Paris today, Bundeep Rangar, chairman and CEO of IndusView, explained just how great it is to be able to ignore local laws.
“Social media allows you to circumvent grey areas of the law,” he explained. “Cutting edge in our industry is the vice industry. In a lot of countries, you can't advertise gambling sites, so what do you do? You create a social media site where you can click through to ads. It's not as advertising, it's as a link in the text, and that's perfectly legal.”
Michael Terpin, chairman and CEO of SocialRadius, cited viral ads such as the 'baby-father' one which turned out to have been created by the Danish Tourist Board, and the Lonely Girl blog.
“She was a paid actress, and when it came out – what a scandal! But they got so much advertising out of it,” he said. “Stunts work. You just have to be careful that any backlash you get supports your work.”
He's also a big fan of video bloggers. “If you can get them interested, they will get it into the search engines really quickly,” he said. “We did the 'I'm a Celebrity' campaign in the US. We got 20 bloggers with big followings to compete with each other to go to Costa Rica – and got two million visitors to the site.”
Less entertaining, but giving food for thought, were some of the figures. Apparently, social media marketing is already a $1 billion industry, and is growing at a massive 50 per cent per year – the only sector apart from search engine advertising that isn't either stagnant or in decline.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've been hit!

Two hours, yes TWO, after picking up my car from the dealership’s service department, I was horribly hit by yet another careless LA driver.. sent me spinning into the intersection, the entire rear bumper tore off and scattered debris around the crossing, and my gas tank leaked last week’s refill all over the scene. Gower and Franklin, officially the most dangerous intersection in Hollywood in my book… to think I had debated NOT going to the gym that late at night but motivated last minute… I could have been lazily snacking in front of the TV in self-deprecation instead of tearing up over my once again defaced little car. Now I await the adjuster’s call: earlier, words like ‘potential total’ and ‘unsalvageable’ peppered the conversation.
The only positive from this whole experience is that I have now tested BMW’s emergency response squad and the roadside assistance they trigger, which appeared five minutes after the crash unsolicited.

I hate LA driving.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What is Avicenna? For morons and there's Zoo

“ It became the first city in history assaulted by nuclear armament when the  United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on it on August 6, 1945, near the culmination of World War II…

On September 17, 1945, Hiroshima ( Heroseema) was struck by the Makurazaki Typhoon(Typhoon Ida), one of the largest typhoons of the Shōwa period”- Who knows what is it?

New Prime Minister of Japan

Yukio Hatoyama- translated as -you a falsificat and illusionist for that you have pit. He was born 11.02. as my own son. His wife have interesting name too, more- she is actress. There’s child has education in Moscow as engineer – it means fig tree for oil and gas as for Taro Aso.

“Hatoyama comes from a prominent Japanese political family which has been called the “Kennedy family of Japan.”

Kennedy was only information picture of my own father- they killed him with the help of there Belarus agent because they think by there pure mind – my own father must seat down at throne of the USA by himself -John Kennedy was killed 22.11.1963 and John XXIII was killed five month before- 03.06.1963 after the meeting with Chrushev’s -Khrushchev’s daughter Rada Adzubej -Rada Adzhubei and her husband – 06.03.1963. After that meeting that happy family decided that John XXIII – my own father. They repeated the killing with John Kennedy.

Foto Khrushev and Kennedy in June 1961 in Vienna

Who was my adopting mother and with wich name she lived before?

And why in 1963 that Kruchev decided to plus for Ukraine and Lastochkino Gnezdo- Swallow Nest in Krym to his private property after the killing John XXIII and John Kennedy?

That Mr. Pit can not be from the” Kennedy” family not as information picture , not as with own relations with us. Surname Kennedy have translation as – to NN I am going.

Yukio Hatoyama’s wife have native connections with Josif Stalin’s family. Who now seating in Japan?

( Look the beginning  ” Taro Aso from Ginko family, Chikako Aso as the daughter of Diliara Zabarova, basin of fig tree of oil and gas, CNN, Volkswagen, BMW and Zoo from Japan”

In Wroclaw translated as – Slava is robber in Poland- was Zoo. Another Zoo – in Sverdlovsk- were has his appartment Sergey Lopatinskiy and Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya. That appartment they selled to Aleksandr Yakovlev – now Aleksandr Turkin.

In Moscow near Moscow Zoo live Oleg Lobov at the Zoologicheskaya Str. Why that nice terrorist with strong connections with terror in metro Tokyo decided to live in such interesting place?
Robbering all my own inheritance financies and profits which they could to took, they all so like to live in my own Castles , that till now as 
Clowns wriggle near me and my own sons.

With that my own inheritance after my own grandmother Castle Wolfsburg – Wolfsburg Schlosse– they appropriated one more little present – that firm

Volkswagen was my own inheritance from my own grandfather. For that Marina Berlusconi – Mechrenceva happenly helped to robbed my own inheritance such freaks as Andrey Kozuchov – Mechrencev, Andrey Titov- Romas Marcinkievicius, Igor Titov- happy husband of Dariga Nazarbayeva, Modest Prokopiev, Aleksandr Turkin – Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze or Dzerzinskiy- Sverdlov and etc.

His grandfather shooted the Royal Romanov’s family in Ekaterinburg and that’s town after that has the name Sverdlovsk.

What relatives they have and how old are them’s?

In April 2008 Marina Berlusconi decided to marriage with some Japaneese. And has a wedding. That information in a shot period of time disappeared from internet and appeared another information with another husband.

And Silvio Berlusconi at that momemt quickly decided to seat down at the place of Prime Minister of Italy. Look the beginning  ” Taro Aso from Ginko family, Chikako Aso as the daughter of Diliara Zabarova, basin of fig tree of oil and gas, CNN, Volkswagen, BMW and Zoo from Japan”

In Japan parlament – interesting deputy Naoto Kan – translated as – have and take or go to An and another go to An. That Naoto Kan look like ordinary tatarian . How he appeared in Japan?

As in Russia Naina Elcina presented the ruling to her native daughter Tatiana with the new name Ludmila Putina, in Japan all last years rulling in my own inheritance Mechrencev-Kozuchov- Lopatinskiy- Lobov- Nazarbayev family give to each other the place of Prime Minister of Japan- there’s mr. Mikasa- translated as – we are bank cash and mr. Akihito- translated as – Ak hi hit that- all that years rule in the country with the financies from my own inheritance, forgott to inform me about that and th pay the profits.

With connections with appropriating my own inheritance in Middle East ( as Saudi Arabia and etc.- Al Waleed bin Talal – with the face of russian militarist Andrey Kozuchov , new made king Abdullah- translated as – swindlered ah- with the face of the native brother of my adopting mother – without make up – he was Benedict XXVI , with make up – king Abdullah. Who knows what is it?)

The same situation in Italy. In new made Berlusconi – Mechrencev family.

As Bush family, as Clinton’ family , as Barrack Obama- translated as – barrack have both and boss from Russian special and prostitute service mixed with Negro, Mongolian, Kazachian’s and etc. which appropriated under the names Primakov, Ginko–Surkov, Lobov, Breznev, Lopatinskiy,Chrushev- Khrushev , Dzerzinskiy my own inheritance in Russia and USA.

In Japan rulling from my adopting family new baked mr. Mikasa-translated as – we are bank cash and mr. Akihito- translated as – AK hi hit that- all of them lost not only oil and gas industrial places but steel and weapons too.

Miyuki Hatoyama – translated as – ma-a-y as cat for that and pit.

Now in Greece the same situation. Armenian- Georgian- Russian’s freaks from Stalin-Lopatinskiy, Cruchev -Ezov- Vorochilov’s family present the role of the head of the country to each other.
Who are that Polish – American freaks which appropriated Lithuanian Mazeikiu Nafta- my own inheritance, Polish Plock , Gdansk, opened new bank under stolen from me profits and inheritance business , who started appropriating my own inheritance near me in Lithuania and jummped later and pressed me till now ?

Baked the financies in China they jummped to Japan.

They are so business , that they lost all financies in China. In any words defecated that financies. That new baked wife from China as new baked wife of Rupert Murdoch- double – Rupert Murdoch by himself was killed in Lithuania in the beginning of 1990 under the name Vytautas Landsbergis- Zemkialnis ( father). After that killing they appropriated my own inheritance in Australia too.

Appropriating 500 thousands billions from the year during minimum 20 years they pay now for us there’s pension from mad house for licking there’s bottom’s near 1000 euro for month- and not paying -underpay from that sum every month 200 euro, plus take payment to prostitute Silvia with her gigolo Alex Gliklad – 370 euro every month for appartment after the killing here old peoples- property of that victims, which that gigolo appropriated and which they all chew and which the soulruin for Jews.

New prime minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama at first decided to meet with Barack Obama.

Foto – who payed for all of that? And where are my own inheritance financies from Federal Reserve ? It is the private bank, by the way, and my own inheritance after my own grandfather .Foto- who payed for there’s elections and from which financies?

Who has allowed to that freaks to take my own inheritance financies, business, profits, villas?

Who has allowed to that freaks to opened the testament of my own grandfather and own grandmother without me and without information me at all? Who have in his seif box now that testament? Who decided that it is possible?

Who has allowed me to installed and to pull for perineum and vocal chords?

In ears amplifiers of a sound and at the head of my and my own sons magnet’s-who are that fascists rubbish maids and there’s gay’s?

In old Egypt buryed with all property of the deads – nobody did not take not there’s

The son of new prime minister of Japan has education at Moscow state University as Evgeniy Primakov. That Primakov with native relations with Kazakhstan and Georgia was from Ukrainian special service with connections with Nikita Krushev.

In any words great kazakhian- georgian’s mixe. Who was my adopting mother before she decided to appropriate the own name of my own mother, her own daughter and her inheritance , business, financies and profits?

Native son of Evgeniy Primakov- Aleksandr now in Greece play the role of great bankier, robb and kill the old peoples and stole the childs. In any words he has strong connections with raven’s and with mass cemetery in Greece under the name Irakliy- translated as -and cancer to pour. Some years ago that Primakov has the big debts for Arab countries and started the war between Kuwait and Iraq.

In Kuwait he took a financies and happenly deficated ( defecated) them’s. Native daughter of that Primakov Nina was a director of the school where my own sons has education- school 60 in Vilnius.

Native granddaughter of that Primakov for there’s legende died in twin -towers, when they ruined the property of my own grandfather and my own inheritance twin-towers 11.09.2001. – and three weeks later they started first savaging attacks against me.

Don’t forgett ,that they killed David Rockefeller in 1975 in the Primakov house and to USA happenly going the double – illusionist and the conjurer and became to rule in my own inheritance. Another native daughter of thart Primakov- Natalia Stroganova happenly helped to Sergey Lopatinskiy to spend my own inheritance financies.

When they need more – they ordinary took that financies in oil and gas concern Opec- under the trusteeship my own inheritance – as for my own needs. Paying for me with my own youngest son 60 dollars for both for month.

When my oldest son became to help me and to sent financies -they ordinary opened against him mass criminal cases, beating, him at regular basis, makes a mass of gangster’s attack’s against him and his office and blocked at there’s villages.

They undressed him in regular basis, when they see that he have financies. And sticks round with there prostitute’s and villages familes. Natalia Stroganova was the wife of the son of Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov- Yuriy Stroganov.

One controll me in the newspaper, she control me not only by installation but with the help of her sister pressed my own sons in school too. Her native brother Aleksandr help to Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya from the bank Snoras – system of Conversbank to take my own profits from my own inheritance. Who decided to sell my own profits for that bank and for what reason?

That Aleksandr at that moment has the name Alex Gliklad. He – the partner of Josif Kobson- great and interesting singer with the name -policeman in zone and son of Josif Stalin.

That Kobson now have in his family some Michelle – native daughter of Michelle Obama. That Michelle- native daughter of Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok with new name Irina Abramovich. As Roman Abramovich and under that name sometimes gone to the scene Konstantin Smirnov. And why was mass killing in Kuwait after that Primakov’s credit?That Primakov was the native brother of Raisa Gorbacheva- which now with Arkadiy Volskiy and his Conversbank at my own financies and profits happenly lived in Spain. (His wife Laura Charadze

played the role of Laura Bush in USA. Her double look like mother of Renata Kochneva – Kochneviene)

Raisa Gorbacheva legalisated her death 20.09.1999.

With strong connections with Larisa Bakova- native daughter from my adopting parents- now Asma Al Assad in Syria and with her mass doubles as Letizia in Spain.

That Larisa from native relations with gipsy’s and tatarian maids as Raisa Gorbacheva.

Such gipsy’s liked very much some Smirnov – Gromov- Elcin’s family with connections with Ezov- ex soviet fascist. There’s native daughter has a picture as Barbra Streizand and Ludmila Putina. Her name was- Tatiana Elcina. Foto -

when died Boris Elcin ( he was from Boris Gromov – Aleksey- Ivan- Smirnov’s family – with George Soros face – translated as -slop pail from Russia.) That Smirnov’s and campany ruled in my own inheritance fund, which they named George Soros fund. At cementry -Why were surprised Bill Clinton and George Bush?

The great financial ruler of all that gangster’s clan in concern Opec – Sergey Lopatinskiy with the face of the actor Sergey Stepanchenko and Sergey Zagrebnev- Zarembo. Both of them with native relations with Nikita Krushev, Ezov , Voroshilov.

Both of them helped to new prime minister of Japan some Yukio Hatoyama to seat down at that place. With the installation in nose. Who knows what is it ?

One of the childs of some Ludmila Putina- which was in real live Tatiana Elcina- Mechrenceva- Kozuhova , educated Japaneese language -Katerina. May be she decided to play the role in performance – the granddaughter of The King The Son. In 1986- 1990 they played the role of granddaughter of Anastasiya Romanova in Germany. In 1993 Ludmila Putina was under plastic operation after car crash. What is it? She was killed in 1993 and her biography was needed to Tatiana Elcina ? Who and what appropriated in Germany from my own inheritance from my own grandmother?

The system of Conversbank – Konversbank in which ruled Arkadiy Volskiy has strong connections with George Soros fund- my own inheritance from my own grandfather.

More- in Gorbachev’s fund, where happenly ruled Irina Noskova- Smirnova ( she was registrated as the daughter of Ivan- Aleksey Smirnov with native relations with Boris Gromov and with George Soros face and Ija Smirnova with the face of Elizabeth II ) under the name Irina Gorbacheva. They took the financies from that new named George Soros fund and spent it to the fund of Michail Gorbachev.

That fund name’s under the memory of Raisa Gorbacheva, which legalisated her death and organised the throne for herself in Spain at my own inheritance, getting into her head the crown from the paper. Don’t forgett that she -native sister of Evgeniy Primakov. He was Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Leonid Breznev’s ruling- now in his new biography he forgott to tell about it.

In fund seating down Irina Noskova- Smirnova under the new name Irina Gorbacheva.

And happenly deficated that financies for there’s needing’s. What do and done that maid in my own financie’s and my own inheritance? Now she that Irina Noskova- Smirnova- Gorbacheva in Greece with her great helper in the bed Aleksey Smirnov- which 21.09.2009 decided to beat me. Understand?

That Aleksey Smirnov work as the man on a call at Main Address: Kifisou 14 – P.O. 18233 – Call Center: 210 4851100 – Fax: 210 4812902. One of the address near Teleperformance, where all that slop pail family grasses me and my own son.

They live in Athens at Isminis 80 and Isminis 76, where live the stolen childs and childs of killing parents for sex trading. Near that Isminis 76- transportation cargo firm SABINO- where ruled some Armenian freak. He is coordinator of all that’s prostitute and killing business ( for killing). There’s friends rule in Greece.

Nikitas M. Kaklamanis was” born April 1, 1946 the Mayor of Athens. Kaklamanis studiedmedicine at the Medical School of the University of Athens. His medical training was spent inIoannina” and he was ” Assistant Professor of Radiotherapy–Oncology”. He was Ministry of the Health in Greece. Understand?

He was born in the day of russians jokes. And was an active member as Dora Bakoyannis- Irina Mamonova in the cleaning and killing the citizents of Athens.

109-111 Mesoghion Ave., 11526 Ampelokopi, Athens, Greece. Geniki bank covering of the Geniki Taxydromiki. gr.

“Since 2004, GENIKI Bank is a member or the Société Générale Group, one of the largest and most powerful financial groups in Europe, present in 82 countries.” When they started to kill the peoples in Greece since 2002 – 20.10.2002 -when they went me and my own son to the death in Lithuania- Dora Bakoyannis -some years ago she has a name Irina Mamonova and educated with me in Sverdlovsk at the same school and class and has a native relations with my adopting mother- her native mother was a sister of that slop pail adopting – became a mayor of Athens. From 2003 they started the appropriation of business and financies after the killing peoples in Greece. Irina Mamonova has medical higher education in Sverdlovsk.

To that shop “Dora” where they rule with the name of my own mother( that name appropriated adopting mother as etc.) at Isminis 82 makes supply’s firm with tel. number – 210 28 35746-747. That shop -place for distribution of poisoning substance’s. At the other side of that shop – house for childs- as childs garden – the place of the transit the stolen child’s and place of there’s transitory appearance. It is a place of store(keep)of the key’s of the killing victims houses and there’s dresses. And such situation in all Greece.

In Moscow that Conversbank- Konversbank was at the address Str. Goncharnaya 12.

That bank was in the hands of adopting mother- Dora ( Zoya ) Ignatievna Lopatinskaya and new made David Rockefeller in USA.

In any words Primakov- Breznev- Gromov- Stalin- Krushev’s families with the mass names but with there’s old faces.

At Goncharnaya Str. number 1 was ” Obschaya Gazeta” – in that newspaper- with Gorbachev as the owner- worked I, Vitaliy Yaroshevskiy from my class and school as vice editor and Anna Politkovskaya. At that address was registrated the Laboratory of AID’s and cancer. Who was the owner?

In 1979 that Gromov- Smirnov’s and Breznev’s families started the war in Afghanistan, blocking me in Volsk with two little childs. In 1981 in Egypt was killed Anwar Saddat and seating down some Hosni Mubarak – translated as – Mu-u-u and moo barrack. From Afghanistan they transported the zink coffins with Afghan’s soldiers (under the names of Soviet Union soldiers) which now have mass grave’s in ex Soviet Union.

And from that time in Afghanistan happenly live’s as now in Greece new baked citizen’s from Russia, Tatarstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and etc. All that Armenian- Georgians stinkers and skunks, dependents and beggars to my own banks accounts and profits from my own inheritance with there’s Mkrtchian, Noskova, Gromov, Gorbachev, Lopatinskiy, Krushev’s family’s with variants with the names -as invalid’s in the carriage’s jumping following me and pressing me debting billions and thousands of billions.

Now in Greece they cleaning the territory and killed the biggest part of the citizen’s of Greece with the help of that Hosni Mubarack and his gas from Egypt named Zarin-Sarin.

That Hosni Mubarak look like little Konstantin Likhosherst- Korotchenko- which native father was Andrey Korotchenko and mother Elena Likhosherst. Native daughter of Zinaida Likhosherst with the face of Barbara Bush in USA. And sister of Maria Likhosherst – now with new name Sheikha Moza in Qatar. As that Maria Likhosherst, as Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok -studied with me at the University in Sverdlovsk. The great third gas countries as they named themselfes- Russia, Qatar and Iran.

In Russia rule’s happy husband of Tatiana Elcina – Vladimir Putin and strange mummer under the name Dmitriy Medvedev- double from the bear and honey know Jew.

In Qatar some Sheikha Moza- which some years ago was Maria Likhosherst from Kiev and has education with me at the Ural University in Sverdlovsk.

Her happy husband look like overeating Ivan Kostromskoy from my school and class, which lived in Sverdlovsk at the Str. Tatisheva-translated as – looking the Father Jew and she. In Iran “The first militant anti-Shah demonstrations were in October 1977″ – 8 month later when I borned my own first son . In september 1980 Iraq and Iran were during the war. In that time started the war in Afghanistan – during 9 month.

From 02.10.1981 some Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i became new president of Iran. Iran have a border with Afghanistan.

Leader was Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. He started the revolution to appropriated the financies of my own grandfather. Later some Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started the privatization in Iran. As in Russia Anatoliy Chubais and in Israel Tzipi Livni.

What financies put in Iran my own grandfather and who decided to appropriate that financies as in Vietnam and Afghanistan?

In the beginning of 2000 the great relations between Belarus and Iran took place. From that time some Michail Fridman with connections with Stroganov- Andropov- Primakov families ( and with Ludmila Kozlova – Sherbenok from my school and class with the face of Sara Palin in Alaska) draged by tankers the oil ( and gas) from Iran.

What gas took Belarus and Russians freaks, robbers of my own inheritance , in Iran? Gas from Hosni Mubarak they took in balloon. Later when they poisoned me in Poland under the rulling of Angela Merkel with the face of Oksana Ginko, some times later to Poland jummped Hosni Mubarak 11.03.2008. And 14.03.2008 they proposed us to leave the Poland. They decided that financies, business and property they can to divide without me at all. And now the question- what gas they transported to Poland and what faces now live in Poland instead Polish?

Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei ,  rule in the country of my own trusteeship and inheritance,

04.06.1989 as Supreme Leader. Before that- he was a president of Iran. Iran is Opec country and somebody from that country must be the trustee in my own inheritance oil and gas business  monopoly. I wrote to that leader so many times that the time for answer  was ended in last century.

As for his boy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That Ahmadinejad was in Italy near Silvio Berlusconi with Hosni Mubarak – from that country I wrote for them so many times- and Bashar Al Assad was in UAE, when was air crash in UAE and was killed young man – he was registrated as the brother of Armenian  freak Khalifa, but in real life was not his brother at all. May be he was an inheritor of the higher trustee percents?

At the site of that leader some times ago was Kirghizian language- now Russian, Ispanian, Azerbaijan etc. With whom from Russia or Belarus, Spain and Azerbaijan has connections supreme leader of the country of my own  inheritance business trusteeship? And why that trustee till now  does not returned for me any percents from the profits from my own inheritance?  His friend  Hosni Mubarak originally from Kirghizia.  New made son of that friend  Gamal Mubarak- proletariat, looking the oil and gas places – originally from Azerbaijan. What they are doing in Egypt?

Not so far before our unblocking in Lithuania and the Litvinenko killing,which organized Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with the campany, 06.11.2001 that leader has a meeting with Aleksandr Lukashenko – private boy of the Lopatinskiy’s -Kruschev’s- Breznev’s and Dzerzinskiy’s- Deranidze’s  family. They have a meeting without translater. In what language they were speaking?

In 25.08.2001 in  Scandinavia was a marriage of one  new made prince with bar worker and prostitute. Two weeks later 11.09.2001 was ruined twin- towers my own inheritance of my own grandfather. And tree weeks later they crushed my only one health leg to hide my own hobble  from the childhood.

For whom they  float  that ruddy prostitute Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with Dalia Gribauskaite- Grybauskaite face that decided to kill me and my own son one year later? When we returned from the death day in day  23. 10.2002 in Moscow started Nord- Ost.  What is it?

For whom was selled that ruddy floors cloth, that after such trading  Sergey Lopatinskiy, Aleksandr Primakov-Gliklad, Pavel Lobov, Aleksandr  Turkin and  Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya decided to kill me and my own son?

As in 2008 in Italy now in Greece they make an elections and dancing and singing and playing at the cemetery ,where they have a mass killing of the Greeks.

When they buryed Badri Patarkatsishvili in Tbilisi they were so happy that applaud  at the cemetery. When Lithuanian freaks as Zuokas and K has information that died the owner of the Mac Donald’s system they dancing and  applaud from happiness- they appropriated his business.

That’s slop pail gipsy’s rip out and pull out every cents from our mouth, they found  lifelong overliving pension for there’s invalid’s  robbers and rats mind’s.

Not growing up cattle’s and pigs they where that take meat. More in Greece meat shops and eating shops there are biggest composition of sausages from meat’s, meat’s and  marble meat- who knows where are they take that meat’s?

The trader’s of human’s meat- alive and died human’s meat.

In there’s shops in Athens there are biggest composition from the dresses from the died peoples – that dresses they  give out for new.

They open mass shops for the renovation the appartments and houses after killing  the owners in that appartment’s and appropriation them’s.

They go to the Greece and take as a presents the keys from the houses of the killing peoples and there’s cars. And have a financing from my own inheritance stolen from me. And write off that stolen financing till now as a debts and my own needs, when nobody give them that financies no as a present, no as a debts.

And that freaks make an elections here in Greece .

The key’s from the houses of victims they store in the shop ” Dora”, where happenly work Aleksey Smirnov, which 21.08.2009 clobbered me and till now alive. In that shop they store the dresses of the killing victims. More the Armenian wife of that Aleksey  Smirnov have a hair after special grilling renovation, as white barby  - she play the role of great Hapoleon here – such barby’s so likes Boris Dekanidze or Aleksandr Turkin.

Such hair after special grilling renovation have the Azerbaijanian woman- the Hani’s friend ( he told that he was from Egypt).

Who grilling me all that times my own hair till roots, my own  black eyelashes, who damaged my own legs and makes for me atrophy of the  muscle’s the legs, back, hands, face? Who making to dust all my new things including new computer for which I must pay a credit!  New  travel TV. New travel bed with electronic pompa. All my own new flashlight’s. The electronic  ” Phillip” shaver of my own son. The bed linen.  Grilling and making to dust my own  new dresses, bag  ” Disiel”, new  suitcase and  grilled even pants.

All that freaks from Alfa Group system and connections with Primakov, Lobov, Bush- Likhosherst now Sheikha Moza in Qatar, Gorbachev’s  families.

They till now grub in my own bags, stoling the old papers, post cards, foto’s and till now look’s how to stick to not there’s financies. They till now beat me to the head, crying, squeling and beating to the head by there’s freaks as Aleksey pedophile Smirnov. With native relations with Boris Gromov – great Napoleon in Afghanistan.

That gas Zarin- Sarin they used in Japan in Tokyo metro in 1995. With the help of the great terrorist Oleg Lobov ( his native son Pavel Surkov- Lobov was the happy husband of Larisa Ginko- Surkova now with new name and doubles Hillary Clinton in USA).

That Oleg with native relations with Michail and Nikolay Lopatinskiy’s. That Nikolay was my adopting father. All of them with native relations with Leonid Iliich Breznev- translated as- illness lier need bank of Jews. They were his native sons. Now in Greece as in Japan they started the process of changing the names and masks. As they started that process some years ago when I was appropriated by them’s. Nikita Chrushev- Kruschev became a Soviet lieder and his daughter-with relations with Josif Stalin my adopting mother. Sergey Lopatinskiy was the son of Sergey Chrushev. Which now registrated as great citizent of USA.

Now that Sergey Chruchev- Kruschev write that decided to live in USA from 1990, but really more earlier- he go out from the Soviet Union at the beginning of 1970. In 1975 to his help was sent new made David Rockefeller- real David Rockefeller was killed in Tbilisi in 1975 in the home of Evgeniy Primakov and Laura Charadze- now Laura Bush in USA.

His helper Aleksandr Primakov under the name Aleksandr Gliklad ( legalisated his death in 1986 and from that time lived under the name Aleksandr Gliklad -translated as see or look hidden treasure), which robbed me with the help of there’s bank Snoras – now deficated and make to dust all my new things in his renting for me apartment and make a face that it is not he. My own financies and profits stolen from me they transfered to Cyprus. And happenly deficated.

There’s prostitute Silvia in real live – daughter of the sister of some Ija Smirnova- that sister was from Mazdok. All that nice and big robber’r family stole the testament of my own grandfather and own grandmother.

Japaneese mummer Akihito with the wife visited Hawaii 14.07.2009. They were in Mauna Beach Hotel in Hawaii.

“When Laurence Rockefeller designed the hotel in 1965, he put no televisions in the rooms. The Mauna Kea” – Mauna Beach Hotel in Hawaii. And was in Kahala Hotel & Resort. Who decide to ask them to visit Hawaii in any words who asked his mummers to took a meeting with thepuppeteer? New made David Rockefeller and Kruschev, Primakov – Bush family.

Schlitz Castle- place of meeting of Laura Bush and Laureen Harper 07.06.2007.- they meets in my own inheritance after my own grandmother. There was some summit of some G-8.

Akie Abe wife of Japaneese prime minister- connections with Laura Bush and Laureen Harper from Canada , Joachim Sauer – husband of  some cow Angela Merkel ( she visited Poland and Kachinskiy with private visit 16.03.2007 and I was savagenly poisoned in Poland- that Merkel has the face of Oksana Ginko) , and of that Abe- connections with Qatar and Ludmila Putina.

In any words with Laura Charadze – Primakova – now Laura Bush, Maria Likhosherst- now Sheikha Moza and her native mother Zinaida Likhosherst- now Barbara Bush. More- with Tatiana Elcina from the Elcin- Gromov’s family.

Marek Bienkowskiy- head of security of the Orlen company- that Pavel Lobov which was born as Pavel Lopatinskiy appropriated my own inheritance in Poland.

There’s appropriation they started from Belarus. And after my coronation ( crowing) and canonization in Warszawa they took an agreement with Hosni Mubarak  11.03.2008 to delivering the gas to Poland- and from that time in Poland disappeared Polish’s.  Orlen company with connections with New – York bank and new made Rothschild’s family. 20.03.1995 they started attact’s by Zarin (Sarin) in  the Tokyo subway.

Mitsubishi company was in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan – now in UK.

“Mitsubishi Bank (now a part of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group) was founded in 1919. After its mergers with the Bank of Tokyo in 1996, and UFJ Holdings in 2004, this became Japan’s largest bank.”

Mitsubisi Motors- 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato, Tokyo 108-8410 Japan

“Throughout its history it has courted alliances with foreign partners, a strategy pioneered by their first president Tomio Kubo to encourage expansion, and continued by his successors. A significant stake was sold to Chrysler Corporation in 1971 which it held for 22 years, whileDaimlerChrysler was a controlling shareholder between 2000 and 2005. Long term joint manufacturing and technology licencing deals with the Hyundai Motor Company in South Koreaand Proton in Malaysia were also forged, while in Europe the company co-owned the largest automobile manufacturing plant in the Netherlands with Volvo for ten years in the 1990s, before taking sole ownership in 2001″.

It means that now my own inheritance of my own grandfather in the hands of Lopatinskiy, Lobov, Likhosherst, Bush, Primakov’s family with connections with Volvo and Nordea. With great gipsy’s swindler  Armenian freak Kerk Kerkorian- translated as – Kerk reproach An and expel – go out once again. And they need’s Gaagha’s tribunal.

“Mitsubishi have been allied with PSA Peugeot Citroën since 1999″ And with appropriation my own inheritance after my own grandfather in France by Lopatinskiy, Andropov, Stroganov, Primakov, Bush families.

telephone:+44 (0) 1895 276600facsimile:+44 (0) 1895 276699postal:

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
Harman House, 1 George Street,
Uxbridge, Middlesex,
UB8 1QQ, England

telephone:+44 (0) 208 686 9551facsimile:+44 (0) 208 688 2035postal:Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
15th Floor, Leon House, 233 High Street,
Croydon, Surrey,
CR0 9XT, England

In Switzerland there are   Schlöss Tarasp- Castle 

That Castle appropriated some Michail – Stanislav Kovalenko- Lopatinskiy with the face of Hans Chloss or Stanislav Mikulskiy- now that Castle in the hands of Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya- wife of  native son from my adopting family Sergey Lopatinskiy and Valeriy Tarasov from my school and class. As Taro Aso in Japan.

The  native uncle of that Valeriy Tarasov was the double of Rupert Murdoch and native brother of that slop pail Valeriy Tarasov’s mother. Rupert Murdoch was killed in Lithuania in the end of 1989 -the beginning of 1990-th under the name Vytautas Landsbergis- Zemkialnis father and registrated in the death in 1993 .

Foto- inside  Tarasp Schloss -Castle  in Switzerland after design from  Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya

After that they appropriated my own inheritance in Australia with the help of Josif Kobson and Yuriy Rappoport.Aleksandr Gliklad  - Aleksandr Primakov was the partner of Josif Kobson.   New designer Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya happenly  undefecated that Castle – as from Belarus village.And now I live in the  half-cellar appartment in which all  painting  by brown floor paint as from ex Soviet Union collective farmer with such ceramics at the wall in kitchen.

Who with prostitute Silvia from Smirnov- Gromov’s family killed there old peoples, appropriated there’s appartment and now renting for me?       If Aleksandr Gliklad with Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya tooks my own profits from Middle East oil and gas projects in the bank Snoras. Who decided that I must take that profits in that bank in Lithuania and that profits took Bondarenko- Lopatinskaya ?
All that years all that campany with there’s doubles lived at my own inheritance and financies from Middle East oil and gas projects of my own grandfather.
They arrounded me and my own son’s by there’s morons rabble. They arrounded me now in Greece by there’s morons rabble.

The name of that gas Zarin from the word, using in the Ural- zarit’cia- means- to envy.